
Ramonda-Vitaliana » Selaginella

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    Selaginella borealis


    (syn. S. sanguinolenta)

    Distribution: China, Afghanistan, Himalaya, Kashmir, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia (Siberia), 1400-3500 m; limestone rocks. 

    Perennial terrestrial or epipetric. Stems 5-30 cm long or more, creeping. Main stems branched throughout, reddish or brown.


    Geographische Verbreitung: China, Afghanistan, Himalaya, Kashmir, Mongolei, Nepal, Russland (Sibirien), 1400-3500 m; Kalkfelsen.


    Immergrüne Staude. Stämme 5-30 cm lang oder mehr, schleich. Hauptstamm reich verzweigt, rötlich oder braun.



    Selaginella helvetica

    Distribution: C, S Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, E Asia; moss-covered, wet cliffs, rock crevices in damp, shaded mountainous mixed forests.

    Vegetative stems creeping. Fertile stems erect, up to 15 cm tall, atop with strobili. Leaves minute. 



    Selaginella sibirica

    _OM_0466 (Kopiowanie).JPG

    Distribution: NE Asia, Japan, NW North America, up to 2400 m; dry rocky slopes, rocky crevices, grassy tundra. 

    Perennial mats or cushion-forming on rock or terrestial. Easy growing.

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