
Galax-Jeffersonia » Globularia

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    Globularia cordifolia


    Distribution: C, S Europe, W Turkey; slopes, limestone cliffs.

    Evergreen perennial 5-12 cm high, woody at base. Flowers in heads 1-2 cm diameter, blue. Fl. Summer.


    Verbreitung: C, S Europe, W Türkei; Pisten, Kalksteinfelsen.

    Immergrüne Staude 5-12 cm hoch, holzig an der Basis. Blüten in den Köpfen 1-2 cm Durchmesser, blau. Fl. Sommer.


    Globularia repens


    Distribution: mountains of SW Europe.

    Perennial ca. 2-4 cm tall. Main stems woody with age. Leaves 1-2 cm long, evergreen. Flowering stems short. Inflorescence heads 1-2 cm across. Flowers blue. Fl. V-VI.

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