Distribution: Pirin Mts. in Bulgaria; calcareous rocks.
Shrub 25 cm high, ca. 30 cm diameter. Leaves evergreen, green. Flowers cleistogamy (never open), pink. Fl. V-VI.
Verbreitung: Pirin Mts. in Bulgarien; Kalkfelsen.Â
Strauch 25 cm hoch, ca. 30 cm Durchmesser. Blätter immergrün, grün. Blüten kleistogamisch (nie offen), rosa. Bl. V-VI.Â
(syn. D. acuminata, D. angustifolia, D. mucronata)
Distribution: From SÂ Europe and N Africa to SW Asia, up to 3000 m above sea level; calcareous rocks, rocky slopes, along river banks.Â
Shrub up to 150 cm in hight. Flowers 6-8 mm long, white, sometimes purplish outside, scented, in axillary or terminal inflorescences. Fl. IV-IX. Superb form - very compact with white flowers - ex Mont Vermion
Shrub 30 cm tall, evergreen. Flowers white.
Evergreen, hardy shrub 20 cm tall, carpet-forming. Stems changes from normal to cristate growth. Flowers pink.Â
Compact evergreen shrub. Â Flowers fragrant, rosy purple, in spring.